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Utility Billing Relief

Utility Billing Relief

Utility Billing Relief is now available to eligible homeowners of 3-flats!

What is UBR?What is UBR?

The Utility Billing Relief Program (UBR) is a City of Chicago program intended to make water and sewer bills more affordable for qualifying Chicago residents.

The Utility Billing Relief Program (UBR) is a City of Chicago program intended to make water and sewer bills more affordable for qualifying Chicago residents.

How does it help?How does it help?

<b>No penalties or debt collection</b> on past due City of Chicago utility bill debt.No penalties or debt collection on past due City of Chicago utility bill debt.

<b>50% rate reduction</b> for water charges, sewer charges, and water-sewer tax.50% rate reduction for water charges, sewer charges, and water-sewer tax.

<b>Debt forgiveness</b> of previous unpaid balance after successfully completing 1-year in the program.Debt forgiveness of previous unpaid balance after successfully completing 1-year in the program.

Have Questions?

Have Questions?

Go to the UBR FAQ page to learn more.

Visit FAQ

Do I qualify?Do I qualify?

Before applying, confirm if your property and income meet the UBR requirements. You must reside at the property to be eligible.

Note: All application paths for new UBR applicants may also be used by existing UBR customers to re-enroll.

Verify Eligibility